Capturing EV charging opportunities

This is part of a series of influencer blogs for Economist Impact's rEV Index.

Alison Pridmore

It is 2030. I arrive home from work as the sun sets, and charge my electric vehicle (EV). I switch on the kettle and connect my phone. My newly installed air conditioning unit cools the house. Around me, my neighbours do the same. With a sudden surge in demand for electricity, the local network starts to suffer. Lights flicker. Charging is slower. And reliability is becoming an increasing issue, as is ensuring full use of renewables as an energy source as availability is lower in the evenings.

As we decarbonise and electrify our economies, the decisions and changes we’re making in how we power our homes, appliances and transportation over the next ten years and beyond can create opportunities alongside challenges.

In an alternative, more sustainable vision of the future, I can charge my car at work, making use of the company’s solar photovoltaic panels and off-peak, cheaper charging rates. At home, a smart connected energy system means that my charged EV’s battery provides an energy source to the grid, helping to offset my daily household energy consumption and facilitating charging overnight.

In this blog, I will explore the key themes to manage these challenges and leverage the opportunities so that the future we create is more sustainable as well as more reliable.

Alison Pridmore
Alison Pridmore
Alison Pridmore, energy analyst, International Energy Agency

Transport electrification is key to meeting climate change goals

As one of the largest emitting sectors contributing to 21% of CO2 emissions in 2020, transport is key to meeting Paris agreement climate goals. But substantial change is required for electrification to play a central role in transport decarbonisation. Globally, the car fleet needs to be almost fully electrified by 2050, with IEA’s analysis highlighting that EVs would account for 20% of vehicle stock in 20301 and 86% by 2050 under a net zero pathway.2

Electrification could result in large-scale spatial and temporal change in energy use

All these EVs will need to be charged. Our analysis indicates that by 2030 around 40m public, and 1,400m private, charging units for all EVs are required globally3—almost five times the current level of provision. Electricity demand will increase accordingly, impacting all components of the electricity system: how it is produced, how it is transmitted over long distances, and how it is distributed locally. Extensive efforts will be needed to ensure the stability and flexibility of supply.

Charging vehicles at peak times and the impacts of residential charging on local networks—especially where there are spatial clusters of EV charging—are key concerns. Charging at home after work currently accounts for 80–90% of EV charging in the US and Europe.4 EV adopters also tend to live in the same area. At a local level, EV charging can therefore significantly increase and change the timing and size of electricity loads as well as negatively impact on power quality or reliability. In Hamburg, Germany, analysis found that a 9% EV share would lead to bottlenecks in 15% of the power lines,5 while in the UK, the My Electric Avenue trial suggests that once 40% of customers have EVs, 32% of the network that connects consumers to the grid would need upgrading.6

Managing consumer demand, using batteries for storage, and encouraging charging when renewable energy generation is at its highest all play a role in reducing these impacts.

Charging needs to be smart and strategic

Smart charging will be key to all of these efforts. Simple solutions can and are being implemented. These include the promotion of workplace charging so that vehicles are charged during the day rather than at peak times, and offering consumers financial incentives through the use of cheaper, off-peak tariffs. In IEA’s Sustainable Development Scenario—where EVs are 14% of car vehicle stock in 2030—workplace daytime charging could move 50 GW of energy to off-peak,7 while night-time tariffs could move a further 110 GW of energy. Shifting the timing of EV charging will be key in the context of future energy demand from other sectors which arise in the evenings. This demand includes connected devices, shifts to electric cooking and increasing use of space cooling. These can contribute as much as 30% of peak load in places with high air conditioner ownership such as China.8

More complex, managed charging strategies are required to meet increasing demand. Managed charging allows energy companies to remotely control EV charging to better correspond to the needs of the grid. It can be from the grid to vehicles (unidirectional charging) and from vehicles to anything (bidirectional charging). For the latter, energy is taken from car batteries and given back to the grid or to buildings, allowing spikes in electricity demand to be met. These technologies make using renewable energy easier. Intermittent energy sources such as solar or wind can charge the battery when available and then store this energy until needed. This can bring more substantial savings compared to demand management, which can also result in financial benefits to consumers through reduced charging costs. Vehicle-to-grid applications, for example, could offer 600 GW of flexible capacity in 2030 globally under the IEA’s Sustainable Development Scenario.9

In the UK, the combination of demand management and managed charging is estimated to provide savings of £2.2bn (US$3bn) through avoided network reinforcement costs over the next 35 years.10 In New York, net societal benefits from utilities facilitating off-peak EV charging were found to be in the region of £1.5bn (US$2bn).11

Managed charging requires systems change, and consumer acceptance is key to success

For grid-to-vehicles charging, electricity provision to the vehicles is controlled and optimised—for example, through timing and rate of supply. Charging can be stopped during peak hours if needed, which in turn reduces stress on the local grid. These time-of-use strategies can move an average of 60% of EV energy needs away from peak times.12

For vehicles-to-anything charging, the batteries in EVs act as energy storage, providing back-up capacity to national and local grid networks. This could fundamentally change the dynamics by turning EVs from a consumer of electricity into a power provider—and hence part of the solution to shave peak demand.

However, for managed charging to be successful, consumer engagement and acceptance will be key. Options include charging being managed by the users—with the setting of (off-peak) charging times—and by suppliers. While 95% of consumers are happy to use smart charging if their energy bills were cut,13 the level of financial savings required is yet to be fully understood. Consumer perspectives on charging preference can reflect perceptions of control, with early studies14 suggesting that they prefer user-managed systems. The societal benefits offered by supplier-managed charging are, however, also recognised. Steps to ensure data access while safeguarding data privacy will be essential. Transparent and customisable agreements with consumers as well as anonymised data collection will all play a role.15

Opportunities and next steps

Smart charging is essential in moving transport to net zero. But, beyond a small number of projects, most charging infrastructure is currently not yet enabled with smart features. For opportunities to be realised, governments and industry stakeholders need to:

  • Develop charging strategies which address impacts on grids. Tools and approaches to fully understand and address impacts on electricity networks are required and need to be implemented alongside EV charging plans.
  • Facilitate managed charging through investment in infrastructure, the use of effective regulatory frameworks, and action on aggregation—for example, through enabling digital aggregation platforms which can combine energy from thousands of EVs, creating a virtual flexible load.
  • Engage with consumers throughout the process to understand their concerns and address their needs.

Find out more about EV readiness across the UK and in other important markets in Europe and globally from the rEV Index.

About the author:

Dr Alison Pridmore is the transport lead in the IEA’s Energy Efficiency Division, working on the E4, emerging economies, programme. Alison’s work covers electric vehicles including charging infrastructure, the benchmarking of transport use and the development of transport roadmaps focusing on energy efficiency. Prior to joining the IEA, Alison was a principal consultant at Aether—an environmental consultancy. Her work included looking at the multiple benefits of energy efficiency and the consideration of electric vehicles from a life cycle perspective. Alison has a PhD in transport—her research examined social and spatial influences on the take-up of new vehicle technologies.


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Charging priorities

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