Financial Services

Podcast | Banning Bitcoin?

November 02, 2021


Banning Bitcoin?

November 02, 2021

Jason Wincuinas

Manager, Policy and insights

Based in Hong Kong, Jason covers Asia from Australia to India. His background includes managing publications, financial reporting and technical marketing as well as a decade of product-sourcing experience with mainland China factories. Some of his most formative work, however, has been as a stay-at-home dad and freelance writer, covering topics from perfluorocarbons to popcorn. Jason received a BA in English from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst with study at the University of Sheffield in Yorkshire, UK.

The fast-moving space of crypto and digital currencies took another sudden but not entirely unexpected turn recently when the Chinese government moved to ban Bitcoin—but then didn't entirely. To shed more insight on the situation, we invited Angie Lau, founder and CEO of Forkast.News, to join the podcast and explain the nuance and implications. Ms Lau is a long-time financial news veteran in Asia and regularly speaks with blockchain entrepreneurs, traditional investment leads and financial market regulators. Listen in to what she's learned.

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